11-15-2021 11:38 PM
In Rest Get Snap, we need to call this API [GET /api/1/rest/public/runtime/snaplogic]
,there is a notification here that authentication is required, but where can I get this authentication for this API
I got the API from this Docs
Please help how to get all this information in brief
11-16-2021 01:15 AM
Authorization should be an HTTP Header, not a Query Parameter and you also have a spelling error in the key:
Make sure that the value of the header is in this format "Basic {encoded value}"
11-16-2021 01:30 AM
The “org” should be the name of the SnapLogic Organization that you are working on(or the organization where you want to run the monitoring API on).
Spiro Taleski
03-24-2023 08:22 AM
Thank you for informing how to authenticate a Rest API.
As per Ultra Pipelines documentation - it supports - Token Authentication and No Authentication.
The does not say how to access Ultra Task URLs with No Authentication.
How do I expose my Ultra pipeline as a REST API which uses no Authentication?
Please guide.
03-24-2023 04:49 PM
You can simply delete the bearer token for an ultra task, that will enable anyone to invoke the ultra task without providing any authentication.
03-27-2023 11:08 AM
Thank you. So, that will make it available to the world as much as a Public API without authentication!?
I tried and it worked.
Another help needed
If I have to remove Bearer token but authenticate the request within the Ultra Pipeline, please share an example of how to do that.