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Triggered task showing wrong error message!

New Contributor

We have one pipeline which is used in a triggered task.
But the problem here is we are concurrently hitting this task with some JSON data which is a valid JSON, and some of them are processed fine by the task and some of them failed with the following error

here mapper 1 is the starting snap of the pipeline and you can see the input doc is also zero.
We have even created 2 nodes which are running the same snaplex and implemented load balancing
Following is the Information of one of the nodes running
So we just want to know why that error had come which was completely irrelevant and if it is showing that error, does that mean our concurrent thread counts are way more than normal count and so many executions are queued and because of that other executions are failed without event executing a single snap in a pipeline.


Former Employee

The error makes it sound like some non-JSON data was sent to the triggered task. Maybe click on the ‘Show Details…’ link to see if there is more information on the cause. I noticed that the pipeline waiting for a couple of minutes for input data. Maybe there was a network glitch that caused the data flow to be interrupted. How is the task being triggered, from the cloud or the ground?

Hi tstack ,
Thanks for the reply.
here actually we are concurrenly hitting same snaplex pipeline multiple times due to which memory slot given to a snaplex is completely occupied by the multiple instances of same pipeline execution and due to which the subsequent rest calls are queued as we can see from dashboard that is why it is taking so much time.
we are hitting OnPremise url

It might be best to file a support case so we can take a deeper look at the situation.

There is no API hit limit for groundPlex right ?
how can we file support case?