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When creating a Snowflake account, is it possible to confirm the value for property CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE?
Recently ran into an issue where we receive the following error after 4 hours has pas...
Trying to set account for connecting to Mainframe DB2 database using JDBC Select snap with the below information. I received below error. Can someone help me to fix this.?
Failed to validate a...
...he Custom JDBC URL with
How could I create a directory in the file section and how is the link to the directory?
Has some c...
I’m having a small problem with the timestamp between the results coming from Snaplogic Generic JDBC and SQL Teradata SQL assistant.
Main issue is that the timestamp in Snaplogic results s...
I’m trying to configure the JDBC Account to work with my Heroku Postgresql account:
But I’m getting the following error:
Failed to validate account: java.lang.RuntimeException: Driver o...
As part of the November (4.35) release, we are upgrading the Oracle JDBC driver from version to to improve security, performance, stability, and reliability of the Oracle Snap P...
> at com.snaplogic.snap.api.sql.operations.JdbcOperationsImpl.lambda$flushBatch$8(
> at net.jodah.failsafe.Functions$
SnapLogic will now be bundling JDBC jar files with various data stores starting with Snowflake and Redshift. The Snap Pack will come with a default JDBC jar file as recommended by the vendor. This f...
Can’t connect to my JDBC database
Error: Failed to validate account: Failed to retrieve a database connection. Cause: The connection attempt failed. (Reason: The connection attempt failed.; R...
While creating a pipeline to connect to DB2 database using JDBC snap, I am running into the following error.
Failure: Null pointer exception occurred at: com.snaplogic.snap.api.sql.DatabaseUtils...