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Abano Healthcare New Zealand: Impressive Cost Savings by Streamlining IT Modernisation

Admin Admin

2022 Business Impact Award Nomination

Describe your business and technical use case(s) and the challenges the business had.

Abano have an aggressive roadmap to acquire new businesses. Business direction mandated a minimal in house IT capability. Needed to augment the operating model through automation and governance. Pressure to optimise cost model and operating margins through standardisation and automation of business processes.

Describe your strategy and execution to solve the business challenge.

Abano Healthcare was also drawn to the agnostic nature of the SnapLogic platform. The DSO has a mixture of on-prem and other pieces coming in. SnapLogic was flexible and, therefore, able to connect to everything. With ambitious growth aspirations, it was clear Abano Healthcare needed a local, easy-to-use, scalable iPaaS solution that would spark communication between its disjointed systems to power its modernization journey.

Who was and how were they involved in building out the solution?

SnapLogic PS

What were the business results after executing the strategy?

$250K costs savings in solution implementation. 2 months time to value. 50% reduction in operating expenditure estimated for an integration platform. 200% reduction in FTE requirements across IT.

What was the ROI you gained from executing the strategy?

$250K costs savings in solution implementation. 2 months time to value. 50% reduction in operating expenditure estimated for an integration platform. 200% reduction in FTE requirements across IT.

Anything else you would like to add?

Nisha Clark is an advocate and has recently represented SnapLogic at Marketing events and feature in a customer focused video. Abano Healthcare Streamlines and Scales in Innovative Ways With the Power of SnapLogic | SnapLogic

Diane Miller