09-10-2021 07:05 AM
I am trying to configure an email sender snap which has reads the HTML code for the body of the email downstream. Currently, the HTML is in a .txt file in the groundplex, therefore I am using file reader to pick up the file but I do not know how to convert binary and then feed into the email sender snap.
Thank you very much for your help
09-10-2021 07:27 AM
Once you read the .txt file, try with Binary to Document Snap, setting “encode or decode” to NONE.
The output from the binary to document snap will contain the content of the file(under the content field).
Spiro Taleski
09-10-2021 07:36 AM
Hi Spiro,
Thank you so much for you quick solution. That has successfully read the text file and outputting valid data. To read the code into the ‘Template body’ section of the email sender snap, I am using $ however it output email sender is ‘null’
Thanks so much again
09-10-2021 08:56 AM
Would you use a mapper after the binary to document?
09-10-2021 03:18 PM
The Binary to Document Snap apart from “content” field as an output gives additional details like “content-type” etc. You can directly get the “content” field in the Email Sender Snap(that will not cause any issues). But if you want to exclude any additional fields produced by Binary to Document Snap, then you can use mapper after binary to document, to map the necessary fields.
Spiro Taleski