Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Redshift Bulk Load on Cloudplex

We have a Redshift cluster that we would like to load data into. Using the Redshift - Insert snap is simple, but prohibitively slow and isn’t the recommended way to load data into a Redshift. We would like to use the Redshift - Bulk Load snap, but ar...

Resolved! Invocation of Ultra task fails

Hello Team, I have created a test pipeline, where using Rest post I am invoking an Ultra pipeline. The ultra pipeline is simple, it expects the $test input and sends the result back. This is only for test purpose. Here is the input that I provide to ...

viji28 by New Contributor
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Assign manager in Azure AD snaps

By Microsoft documentation API - Create user with reporting manager - Microsoft Q&A While user creation using - API , how can we provide manager detail in request body. ...

Janne by New Contributor
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Failed to write to file

I am able to read input files from a drive, where as while writing it to the same drive i have the below error. I have both read & write access to the drive. Consolidated file - File Writer[630c7b8c5e736915c210eda5_acbb4c4e-db51-4c9f-a0de-357dc53f1b9...

Secret Management by Hashicrop

Hello Team, Greetings!. We are working on a POC of using Hashicrop vault to keep confidential secrets at Vault and retrieve data from Vault to Snap. In that, Vault secret data can be retrieved from Snap through Dynamic expression of key word called “...

Need help in GIT Repository

Hello Team, Is it possible to connect GIT repository from SnapLogic? If yes, please let me know how to connect it. I know that there is no separate snap pack for this. Just wanted to know. Thanks in advance!

Manigandan by New Contributor II
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