Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Cloudplex logging to Datadog

We run our development and production environments on a Cloudplex. We would like to send all logs to Datadog. Is there a way we can do this? Is there an integration with Datadog? I understand that it would be relatively simple to do this on a Cloudpl...

Resolved! Snowflake jdbc CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE

When creating a Snowflake account, is it possible to confirm the value for property CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE? Recently ran into an issue where we receive the following error after 4 hours has passed “Authentication token has expired. The user must ...

winosky by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Redshift Bulk Load on Cloudplex

We have a Redshift cluster that we would like to load data into. Using the Redshift - Insert snap is simple, but prohibitively slow and isn’t the recommended way to load data into a Redshift. We would like to use the Redshift - Bulk Load snap, but ar...

Resolved! Invocation of Ultra task fails

Hello Team, I have created a test pipeline, where using Rest post I am invoking an Ultra pipeline. The ultra pipeline is simple, it expects the $test input and sends the result back. This is only for test purpose. Here is the input that I provide to ...

viji28 by New Contributor
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Assign manager in Azure AD snaps

By Microsoft documentation API - Create user with reporting manager - Microsoft Q&A While user creation using - API , how can we provide manager detail in request body. ...

Janne by New Contributor
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