Designing and Running Pipelines
Discuss how to use the SnapLogic platform.
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Forum Posts

Pipeline Execution Label in Tasks

When a task invokes a pipeline, the pipeline name appears in the dashboard. Given the parameters they accept and pass into pipelines, the tasks and pipelines can be very dynamic in nature. It would be very helpful to see a label in the dashboard to i...

Error in Snowflake - Select Snap

Hello, I have a parent and child pipeline where the parent pipeline sends some venue details to child pipeline. Based on the venue details, the child pipeline calls a REST GET to acquire data from vendor and loads into Snowflake table using Snowflake...

Mapper Snap JSON expression

I have a mapper Snap to map address from left to right schema. However, when I run it, I see this error: Meaning the jsonPath($, “$address[0].state”) path cannot be found meaning state = null. Is there any way I could write JSON expression in the Ma...