Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Changing keys of an Object

Hello Experts, I have a requirement where I need to change the value of one single key in an object. INPUT: [ { "soapenv:Envelope": { "@xmlns:soapenv": "", "@xmlns:xsd": "

Resolved! How to Create a SQL Server Connected Lookup

I need to mimic Informatica’s simple connected lookup process. I want to look for a record on a target table and if it exists, update it, otherwise insert it. I have tried to use the Lookup Snap, but I haven’t been able to make it work for me. Does...

Damone by New Contributor
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Incorrect date format

Hi, My requirement is to pass the date as a string “YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS” as a parameter to Oracle procedure snap. I amssusing the expression -{“format”:“yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss”}).toString() I can see the correct format in ...

amit_saroha by New Contributor III
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Child pipeline not getting executed

Hi, I am trying to use a pipeline which has two Execute Pipeline snaps, Execute Process 1 and Execute Process 2. (Picture Below) But when running this pipeline, only the first child pipeline is running and not the second one. Even though there is no...

Shaily by New Contributor
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Date format problem

Hi, I have a CSV file containing the dates like ‘16-DEC-2019’ and I am reading the CSV file and inserting it into an Oracle database table but it always errors out because the format desired is a date in format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss. I have used the be...

Resolved! Map expression regex

Hi, A simple one for the people that are expert in regex. I’m still learning it. So, I have a key: notes that contains a value : “#IF:SLG-01-SL + some text here” My goal is to always get the 9 characters after an ‘#IF:’ My expression I tried in the ...