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Forum Posts

Passing Bearer Token to REST GET

I received a token from a authorization REST POST call. I now need to pass this token as the bearer token of a REST GET call. How can I correctly pass my token to the REST GET snap? I was able to do this successfully using Postman (see screen pic). N...

Null pointer exception in ZipFile Write

i am getting below error ZipFile Write snap if we we don’t have file zip Failure: Null pointer exception occurred at: com.snaplogic.snaps.binary.Zip.cleanup(, Reason: Null pointer exception occurred at: com.snaplogic.snaps.binary.Zip.cle...

bhavani by New Contributor
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Native integration with concur

Hi Folks, I need to develop native intergation from SAP to concur via Snaplogic. For this i need to fetch HTTP headers such as targetURL, targetAuthorisation, etc from the incoming call to Snaplogic. Can someone help?

Router expressions - Need help!

I need to apply the routing conditions, and based on the matching criteria I have to call SOAP update, create methods: Criteria 1: ($employee *.empId exists in $employees) && ($employee *.empId == $excelEmp *.empId) then take $excelEmp and call Updat...

kiranm by New Contributor II
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