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How to make a generic pipeline Oracle => SQL Server

New Contributor II

I would like to build a generic pipeline to load data from an Oracle DB to a SQL Server DB.
I have more than 100 queries to load, so I would like to be able to call the pipeline with the Select (from Oracle) and the destination table as parameters.
I already did a pipeline which works well if I have only Varchar in the select.
If I put a timestamp in the select, I get the error “The conversion from UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN is unsupported.”
I there a way to do what I am tring to do ?


Awesome. For the Timestamp issue, I found the answer in SQLServer Insert snap doc. It called out:
TIMESTAMP datatype in SQL Server is not supported. According to the Microsoft official document, "The timestamp syntax is deprecated.

New Contributor II

Yes. So in SnapLogic we should have “if source field type = Timestamp then SQL Server field type = DateTime”
(but I can manage it)

Good idea! Replace the Timestamp in the ddl returned to DateTime on a mapper.