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Recursive logic in Snaplogic

New Contributor II

The pipeline was failing in production because it was calling the child pipeline for more than 64 times.
Do we have any workaround for this approach


Thanks for your response @koryknick. Unfortunately we don’t have anything that we can rely on Has Next and Next URL.
Here is the response from marketo for marketo folders API:

The topic Connecting to Marketo with the REST Snap Pack describes pagination int eh REST Snaps with Marketo.

Diane Miller

Thanks @dmiller. Pagination supports for activities but for the marketo folders there is no pagination that will support. Only the increment parameter needs to send as Offset untill it returns less than 200 this needs to go through loop


@sravankunadi - what is the condition where you stop your recursion? That would be the same condition (or very similar) you would put in the Has Next property.

If I am reading the Marketo API specs correctly, you receive a “nextPageToken” when there are more results. So the Has Next would simply be the existence of “nextPageToken” element. Probably something like the following:

'nextPageToken' in $response

New Contributor II

Sorry @koryknick if i am not clear on the requirement. We do not have anything nextPageToken for marketo folders extract and also we do not know when to terminate the process. if the records are less than 200 then we need to exit the job.

Marketo response on this:

We need to pass the offset as incremental parameter to fetch the records until the record count is less than 200. I have attached the pipeline in the above thread.