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Soap Execute snap - Account creds in header

New Contributor II

I’m building a custom SOAP Execute snap to replace Netsuite snaps to work around a limitation with custom fields in Netsuite snaps that require fields entered to not be null.

I’ve modeled my SOAP envelope after the request that gets logged when I call the Netsuite Update snap, which seems like a good option to handle this, but I don’t seem to be able to authenticate using the attached account.

Is there a way to refer to an Account’s credentials in the SOAP envelope that I can use here? I have a basic SOAP auth account hooked up to the snap but it sure doesn’t seem to want to use it.

EDIT: Just to be clear, manually adding the email and password in the passport is working fine, but is not productionizable for hopefully obvious reason

18 PM


Ugh, yes. NetSuite has started to enforce 2FA for credentials-based access. If your account requires that now, then yes, I’m afraid the SOAP Execute workaround may not work for you. Have you tried adding permissions to the other role?

I tried permissions to other roles but it doesn’t have access to the specific pages or objects i am looking for it needs full access or Admin previleges inorder to view the pages but the full Access or admin previleges need 2FA.

But you did try to add the permissions you need to an existing role that doesn’t require 2FA?

yes i did it didn’t work


Can you please say more about this? I’m not sure what you mean. If you set a custom field to null, the previous value is removed.