04-25-2024 10:33 AM
So, i have a pipeline which is fetching data from snowflake and then there's mapper snap and then copy snap followed by "csv writer snap" and in the end i am using "s3 writer snap".
When i am running the pipeline the values of few of the columns are getting spilled to new columns because of dounle quotes and backslash character.
E.g., there's a column named "billingstreet" and it has value as:
1245 "O xyz , "Commerce street"
I am keeping the Quote character field blank in the "csv formatter" snap. But my output is coming like
Col1 Col2
1245 "O xyz\ "Commerce street"
Ideally it should be one single value.
How can i handle this ? Please help
04-26-2024 02:03 AM
Try with disabling the character escaping or put different escape character from backslash.