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Forum Posts

Defining Schemas with Arrays?

Can someone please explain the proper way to define and work schemas containing arrays of primitive types and of complex objects? The SnapType.TABLE seems to be the correct SnapType but it seems that the approach that works for complex objects does n...

Special characters in SOAP Snap

Hi, I am sending the following the Data in the SOAP XML (Chair Rückenlehne mit flexibler 3-D Strickmembran, Kunststoffrahmen aus glasfaserverstärktem Polyamid, Rückenlehne mit Flex-Element,) but it is getting converted to following as this is not in ...

shreegeet by New Contributor II
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Using "sftp -i [private key location] username"

A vendor is having us retrieve their info using this SFTP method: sftp -i /path/to/private/key Any thought how to do this in SnapLogic? Do I need to do it as a script? Also I have a passcode that i will need to use? Thoughts? Tha...

Netsuite File cabinet

Hi, Has anyone retrieved files from Netsuite file cabinet based on Timestamp. We are able to retrieve the file using internal id. But not able to get the latest file in the file cabinet using timestamp. Please let me know if there is any use case som...

Resolved! Remove duplicate values from the JSON array

Hello All, Hi, I have a JSON array and I have to remove the duplicates based on a field and then I want the non duplicate elements in one array and the duplicate values in an another array. Input JSON: [ {“pName”: “abc”,“iNumber”: 123 }, {“pName”: ...

Propagate Schema downstream

We are trying to write files into S3. But we want to write in a specific JSON format so that there is no impact to all the systems that are already consuming an existing structure. We are trying to use a mapper to map the source to this JSON format. ...

rajendraj by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Can the Workday Read include Request_References? Response_Filters?

I’m looking to get a specific record from a workday web service get request. I’m looking at the Workday Read snap, and am wondering if there is a way to pass a request reference to get my specific row, rather than all rows. For example for the Get_S...

acesario by Contributor II
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