08-20-2020 12:45 PM
Hello. Trying to do some development and cant seem to get out of the gates. I have tried this on multiple networks so it does not appear to be network related.
When run “mvn clean install
” in my newly created workspace, after successfully running “mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://maven.clouddev.snaplogic.com:8080/nexus/content/repositories/master
I get the following error.
Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.snaplogic:jutils:jar:4.22: Could not transfer artifact com.snaplogic:jutils:pom:4.22 from/to github (https://maven.pkg.github.com/SnapLogic/Tectonic😞 Authentication failed for https://maven.pkg.github.com/SnapLogic/Tectonic/com/snaplogic/jutils/4.22/jutils-4.22.pom 401 Unauthorized
08-20-2020 02:37 PM
I tried that yesterday (removing the repository) - trying again at this time. I will post the build.out.
08-20-2020 02:38 PM
Thank you. Also, please post your pom.xml. I want to make sure it looks right.
08-20-2020 02:48 PM
Please ignore my last (now deleted) post. I just ran again with -U. Sorry, not sure why I got that pom error. I will attach the latest pom and build.out. It still running at this time.
08-20-2020 02:50 PM
Thanks. This helps. Can you please check for the existence of two files that are used to access the new repository on github?
Is there a file named settings.xml at the root of the generated project? Does it define one server that looks like this?
<!-- Public token with `read:packages` scope -->
Is there a subdirectory named .mvn and a file in that called maven.config containing just this?
-s settings.xml
08-20-2020 02:52 PM
Here are the real files you asked for the first time along with settings.xml. Archive.zip (71.8 KB)