08-20-2020 12:45 PM
Hello. Trying to do some development and cant seem to get out of the gates. I have tried this on multiple networks so it does not appear to be network related.
When run “mvn clean install
” in my newly created workspace, after successfully running “mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://maven.clouddev.snaplogic.com:8080/nexus/content/repositories/master
I get the following error.
Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.snaplogic:jutils:jar:4.22: Could not transfer artifact com.snaplogic:jutils:pom:4.22 from/to github (https://maven.pkg.github.com/SnapLogic/Tectonic😞 Authentication failed for https://maven.pkg.github.com/SnapLogic/Tectonic/com/snaplogic/jutils/4.22/jutils-4.22.pom 401 Unauthorized
08-20-2020 02:53 PM
Ok, thanks. I posted that last reply before I realized you had asked me to ignore the last post.
08-20-2020 03:04 PM
Sorry, I’m a bit stumped by this and will need some time to find a solution. I appreciate your patience.
08-20-2020 03:52 PM
What exact command did you use to build the snap project?
08-20-2020 04:00 PM
I have tried many variations. Last one I did was mvn clean install -U
. Before that it was mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
. Originally it was just mvn clean install
08-20-2020 04:13 PM
I have a basic understanding of the issue but it will take until some time tomorrow (at the earliest) to resolve, as it’s necessary to patch some of the poms associated with our platform dependencies. I’m still not clear on why our testing didn’t encounter the same issue. My apologies for the difficulties, and thanks again for your patience.