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NetSuite Saved Search

Former Employee

If you have a Saved Search on NetSuite and you wonder how you have to query with NetSuite Search Snap then here is the solution for It.

A Saved Search is a defined set of filter that return the latest data meeting that criteria.

In SnapLogic we have a connector called NetSuite Search and has settings that will enable us to get the Saved Search Results.

  • Drag NetSuite Search Snap on to the canvas and enable the Advanced Settings Check box.

View of NetSuite Search Snap


  • To the Input View of the NetSuite Search snap configure a mapper using NetSuite Internal ID for the Saved Search

View of the Mapper


That’s a simple solution to get the latest Saved Search results in NetSuite.


New Contributor

I am able to fetch the required information from the Snap.

Thank You,

New Contributor

We have strange issue. Wherein the value that show on the NetSuite UI does not show on the response of the Snaplogic Saved Search. It only shows the id for that value.

For example : If on NetSuite its appears as ABCDEF and then in the Snaplogic saved search response it appears as numeric value 2.

Would like to know if there is any limitation in the NetSuite Saved Search snap

Thank You,

Please be more specific about the nature of the value. What is the type? Is it a standard field? Which one? On which type of object? Or is it a custom field? What kind? etc.

New Contributor

“platformCore:customLabel”:“ASSOCIATED CONSOLE _LINE”

I want the actual value of the field Associated Console Line while I only get the internal id 48
I believe it is a custom field. We get this in the response on querying the Transaction object.

Unfortunately that’s what NetSuite’s SuiteTalk API gives you. To interpret the internalId, look at the definition of the corresponding custom list with ID 395 (the @typeId). You’ll see something like the following:
