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Math.pow vs. decimal exponents

Hello, We’ve been trying to implement a calculation using a decimal exponent into Math.pow Each time the exponent is a decimal and not strictly an integer, we get 1 as a result. Current result is the following Math.pow(2,2) gives 4 Math.pow(2,3) give...

Directory Browser - Sub Directories

Is there a way to scan a directory (including sub-directories) for files? I just need a list of files with the complete path. We are using SFTP to access the folder. Directory Browser doesn’t appear to have that option Thanks, Ignatius

IgnatiusN by New Contributor II
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Error while reading a Box file

I’m trying to read a csv file from Box ,but ive encountered a weird behavior that I just cant find a resolution to. This is the error in the Box read snap: Failure: Error downloading the file: %s, Reason: Exception while reading binary data from the ...

aniketbhoi by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Substitute variable in regex expression

I have a mapper with json input like this: $effective_code = “2138-HCOM-0546-01” $course_code =“2138-HCOM-0546-01-12345|2138-HCOM-0546-EMR-12456” I want an expression that will match “2138-HCOM-0546-01-12345” out of course code. I don’t understand in...

JSONPath to select items from root array

I have the following JSON. I’m struggling on how to write a mapper that captures $[0].original from the JSON below… [ { “Id”: “0036A00000AbbdpQAB”, “FirstName”: “Andrew”, “LastName”: “Ramirez”, “hed__AlternateEmail__c”: “

omair by Contributor
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